We support Investors (Funds, Business Angels, Family Office) with their investment & co-investment operations

Pictogramme d'un graphique représentant la croissance

Our cross-functional support notably covers the following areas

  • Mains des associés IXIS pour représenter la diligence et l'esprit d'équipe

    Due Digilence

    We assist you with pre-investment audits (due diligence) in legal, tax and employment matters.

    We act according to your objectives and constraints: scope, planning, deliverable.

    Mission examples :

    Identify & quantify legal, tax and social risks

    Offer regularisations (past) and modifications (future)

  • Photo d'un homme et une femme dans le cadre d'une réflexion professionnelle


    We support you during the negotiation and drafting of contractual documentation.

    We get involved based on your needs: Protocol, Partners' agreement, Statements.

    Mission examples :

    Integrate audit results

    Negotiate while respecting your interests

  • main d'une personne tenant un crayon dans le cadre professionnel


    We assist you during Environment - Social - Governance (ESG) due diligence.

    We work on your past or future investments.

    Mission examples :

    Analysing compliance with ESG criteria

    Issuing operational recommendations

  • Legal opinions

    We identify subjects likely to impact the investment.

    We formally validate them by issuing a conclusive opinion.

    Mission examples :

    Securing investors

    Notifying financial institutions

Business Case



Two investment funds wish to support an external manager in the takeover of an industrial company (Management Buy In – MBI).

Prior to the transaction, the Funds carry out a tax audit of the company (due diligence), notably on the new industrial site (new factory financed by means of a property lease).

Our solution

Tax due diligence on corporate tax, VAT and Time Savings Accounts

Identification of tax risks and tax savings

Quantification of tax risks and tax savings

Committing tax opinion validating the identified corporate tax savings relating to property leasing (absence of reinstatements after exercise of option)


Inclusion of identified and quantified tax risks in the ALM

Taking into account the corporate tax savings (€500k) in the Business Plan

Firm position validated by a post-investment tax audit

A question? A project?

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