We support Start Ups in their growth, partnership and shareholder structuring projects

Pictogramme d'un graphique représentant la croissance

Our multidisciplinary support notably covers the following areas

  • Mains des associés IXIS pour représenter la diligence et l'esprit d'équipe

    Tax systems for innovation

    We advise you on tax measures in favour of innovation (CIR, CII, JEI, Extra depreciation, etc.).

    We assist you during their implementation.

    Mission examples :

    Optimising investments related to innovation

    Securing tax systems (prevention in the event of a tax inspection)​

  • Photo d'un homme et une femme dans le cadre d'une réflexion professionnelle

    Technological Cooperation​ ​

    We advise you when negotiating technological agreements (e.g. Consortium).

    We assist you during their implementation.

    Mission examples :

    Securing the technological partnership (IP / IT)

    Negotiating a balanced financial agreement​

  • main d'une personne tenant un crayon dans le cadre professionnel


    We support you during the subscription of Investors to the capital.

    We negotiate and draft the professional documentation.

    Mission examples :

    Negotiating a balance between Founders and Investors

    Defending your interests in the short/medium term

  • Relations between Shareholders​

    We advise you on shareholder relations (reflection/anticipation).

    We formalise these relationships in a Pact.

    Mission examples :

    Securing subscription to / stepping out from the capital

    Anticipating disagreements

Business Case

Management Package


A Start-Up wishes to:

Bring an investor into its capital

Interest its main managers in performance

Our solution

Presentation of legal tools: Minutes retrocession, Remuneration warrants, Founder warrants, Free Shares

Figured simulations with financial impacts and accretion/dilution

Decision support based on the constraints/goals of the Start-Up


Allocation of warrants (BSA) to the managers concerned

Warrant valuation in order to set the allocation price

Presence and performance conditions to exercise the warrants

A question? A project?

Our team is here for you

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