Tax Lawyers
We help our Clients with all their Assets-related tax issues.
Our tax support notably covers the following areas.
Corporate Taxation
We help you optimise your professional taxation.
We work with business taxes (corporate tax / VAT) and local taxes (CFE / TF).Mission examples :
LBO operation
(Merger, Contributions, etc.)
Asset sale
Tax audit -
Patrimonial Tax
We advise you on optimising your personal taxation.
We work with property tax (Corporate tax / Property Assets Wealth Tax) and registration rights.Mission examples :
Assets structuring
Assets transmission
Sale of securities
Tax litigation -
Property Taxation
We help you rationalise your property taxation.
We work on land income, land deficits, property VAT, etc.Mission examples :
Land acquisition / transfer
Furnished rental
(non professional / professional furnished renter)
Property Restoration (Malraux, Pinel…)
"Property Traders" Operations